The plush show of ALL plush shows opened last weekend at Schmancy in Seattle... "Plush You 2008".
One of my SkullShie's is in the show and it thrills me to death. Here's a peek...

Please check out this fun etsy shop that features ooak (one of a kind) Obama-wear. You can even get a picture of YOU photoshop'd into a pic with Obama and then made into a tee! So cool, oh, that's not me in the pic, though I would love to have one, that's for sure...

And this bumper sticker is WAY cooler than the boring ones distributed by the party...
I honestly have so much diffficulty inserting pics... all this weird space shows up, and I have to go back and delete it, and then if I'm not careful I delete a pic ,so then I have to upload the pic again, then the chunks of white space show up again, then I start deleting again and's exhausting. So I'm signing off. sheeeesh
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