Thursday, June 18, 2009


This is why I love Twitter...

You know Rain, on The Office? Well, he is on twitter and has a link to his blog, on it I found this video. Now my life has changed, I vow to listen to this every single day!

The lyrics are here.

Meet Sid Krofft

This is a new sweetie available in the shop.

OK, I'm back...

I haven't been blogging in awhile due to....Twitter.

I even go days without checking my emails. I figure, if anyone needs me, they can find me there. Then my best friend, who does not Twitter, said "I didn't know this or that" and I replied, "You would if you tweeted" I realized I was in a bubble. So, I'm trying to do better, and spread myself around...facebook, blogger, twitter, and the occasional myspace. As for the emails...I've got 1352 in my inbox, that could take awhile.